Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (CAIP)
Applied AI Marketing Course
AI and ML Basics for Executives Training
AI Security, Compliance, and Explainability Training
AI Use Policy 2-Hour Workshop
Applied Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics for AI, ML, and Data Science Training
Artificial Intelligence for Human Resources
Boosting Developer Productivity with AI Training
Building Applications with Large Language Models Training
Building Intelligent Chatbots with ChatGPT Training
ChatGPT Basics Training
Data Parallelism: How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs Training
Fine-Tuning Large Language Models: Maximizing Value and Performance for Custom AI Solutions Training
Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ Training
Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python Training
Fundamentals of Deep Learning and Generative AI Training
Generative Engineering AI Training
Introduction to Generative AI Training
Introduction to GitHub Copilot Training
Introduction to Machine Learning with Neural Networks Training
Machine Learning Security Training
Machine Learning using Python Deep Dive Training
Prompt Engineering for Developers: Mastering the Art of Conversational AI Training
Prompt Engineering: Techniques and Best Practices Training
Spark and Machine Learning at Scale Training
Tools for Monitoring AI/ML Training